Supporters & Sponsors
KIND only exists because of the many donations provided by local individuals, churches, businesses, and foundations. Here is a list of some of the supporters and sponsors who make KIND possible for the kids of Dayton:
Burnell Roberts Foundation
Charles D. Berry Foundation
Dayton Foundation
Frank M Tait Foundation
Gerald and Carole Miller Foundation
Iddings Foundation
Kiwanis Club
Les Mapp Foundation
Levin Family Foundation
Lutheran Community Foundation
Mark Kreusch Foundation
Miller-Valentine-Walsh Fund
Physicians Charitable Foundation
Reynolds Associates Foundation
Robert and Mary Davis Foundation
Stick Foundation
Tom and Marianne Becker Family Fund
Wallace Foundation
WPCU Sunshine Community Foundation
Arrow Wine
Automated Systems G
Cardinal Business Forms
DE Machine
Grismer Auto Service
JJR Solutions
Mary Mikesell Foundation
Miller's Collision Center
Morgan Stanley
Old Scratch Pizza
Pinnacle Financial Strategies
Resolute Wealth Management
Solid Blend
Uptime Solutions
Walker Insurance Works
Church of the Incarnation
Memorial United Church of Christ
St. George's Episcopal Church